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Tanya Packer Interview

When and how did you start writing?

I gave up my dream to write when I was in high school due to a teacher. I came back to writing when my son was very young.

Cover of Nadira's Storyteller

Tell me about your books

My first 3 are devotional books. I have a middle grade fantasy series, 2 of my middle grade fantasy books are published, Nadira’s Storykeeper and Nadira’s Lost Children. I have 1 middle grade book in the developmental edit stage, and book 4 is my WIP.

I also have a picture book due out any day now!

Cover of Nadira's Lost Children

How does a story begin for you?

My middle grade fantasy started with massive amounts of research!

Is it an idea, a conversation, a title, or an image?

My devotional books came because of a conversation with my son. My middle grade fantasy series came together in 2 ways: a conversation then a picture that sparked 3 characters.

What writing advice have you been given that really helped you?

Find what works for you, plan or pants or something in between. Don't force yourself to use someone else’s method.

Cover of Kaylee's Adventures

What do you consider your greatest writing accomplishment?

Originally, my answer was my middle grade fantasy series, but now that I’ve written a picture book, I have to say that is definitely my greatest accomplishment.

What was your biggest challenge?

Getting reviews lol, seriously though I would say finding the time to write lately.

Cover of Kaylee's Easter Treasure

What message do you want people to get from your books if any?

I want kids to see themselves and friends in my books. My hope is that my diverse cast of characters will allow all kids to find someone to relate to.

Has a book really touched you? Made you rethink your views on life? If so, what was it?

A few come to mind... but I can’t think of their proper titles and all my books are in storage.

Cover of Timothy's Adventures

What would you do if you didn’t write?

Save money? Day dream? Have more time for my other hobbies.

What is your ultimate dream as a writer?

I will be happy if I get letters from kids telling me they loved my characters.

What are your current projects? What should we be looking out for?

I'm working on book 4 of my mg fantasy series and I have 12 other picture books I’m playing with.


One Thanksgiving I was blessed with the birth of my handsome son, and I started telling him stories. As I whispered stories to him and we played with his Lego figures, the desire to write was rekindled. Eventually, I began writing him stories. Kaylee's Adventures was a joy to write. Every day my son would hurry home from school to hear what I had worked on and together we would chat about what Kaylee had done that day and what her next adventure should be. The idea for the devotional books came from a discussion one night with my son. He was frustrated that he never got to know the characters in his devotional. We often spent time dreaming about each character's backstory. If you're interested in learning the difference between a devotional and a book, check out this link:

The inspiration for Timothy's Adventures came from a discussion with one of my cousins at a family reunion. He suggested I join my two passions together and write an anti-racism/anti-bullying devotional book. My three delightful devotionals generate meaningful discussion for the entire family and will capture your children's attention from beginning to end. After publishing Timothy's Adventure, my husband, son, and I had a discussion about what I would write next. When I told them I was going to write a middle-grade fantasy they both said I didn't know anything about fantasy, but I have loved every minute of sharing my fantasy writing journey with them! I am thrilled to share the fruits of that journey with you, Nadira's Storykeeper and Nadira's Lost Children with you! I am an active member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators and active with the online writing community. I have a Master of Divinity where I specialized in educational ministries. The inspiration for my books comes from working with families and young people for over fifteen years and from my love of classical works like Narnia, Lord of the Rings, Mary Poppins, Neverending Story, Bridge to Terabithia, Magic School Bus, and Labyrinth.

You can find Tanya via these links

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