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Oppressive Surprise Skirt

It was no surprise 1521 wanted to escape. Number one’s rules grew more oppressive by the day. It was illegal for goks to wear skirts now. Boks and goks had to be universally dressed in grey trousers or shorts.

1521 and her fellow goks were struggling to retain their femininity after the banishment of makeup, heels and fitted clothing. All they had left was their hair which was allowed to be any length and any colour.

1521 could see a time when the restrictions would come in regarding colour as they already had for the boks who were restricted to natural colours. The boks for their part had similar issues with their masculinity.

The nons were expected to conform to the rules followed by those who they shared physical similarities with.

1521 called a meeting in the Inzone the only place people could meet freely outside their family unitbubble. It was the biggest crowd that had assembled together since the city became Podsville on Takeover day.

In public spaces boks, goks and nons could only meet if they had registered their relationship as family, partner, or friend – there was partnerunit ceremony for adults wishing to live together or a bubbleentryceremony for children who needed to live outside the unitbubble they were born into. Friends could be in as many registered Inbubbles as they wanted.

1521 took to the stage with a big bag of hairspray in various colours. Her Inbubble passed them out to the crowd. 1521 sprayed her hair purple, her Inbubble sprayed theirs with cans of red, green, blue, and orange. Before the meeting was over all of the attendees had sprayed their hair.

The primes struggled to control the crowd and were unable to get them all in shuttles. The protestors started spraying the primes’ hair. When number one arrived he too was sprayed by cans of dye.

The protestors captured the primes and dragged them into Deact centre freeing those who were incarcerated in the Mins as they went. The Majs were kept separately, no-one ever left the mags for the safety of all Podsville.

1521 escaped as the protests raged on. She now lives in Freeville. Her name is Sarah.


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