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I dare you to review

I read a post recently about reviewing your year. It was all about checking if you have met your goals, the good, the bad and the mixed bag of the year if you like.

The wisdom of Fi Phillips extends beyond this blog post of course, so maybe a wander round her website or a read of her newsletter might help you out further. I recognise this is her copywriter blog but as an author I find both of her blogs and newsletters useful.

These posts in various guises pop up this time of year, covering every topic imaginable with the overarching theme of learning and growing at their heart. The accompanying goal setting ones that are part of the season to help us construct our own Narnia if you wish as we step through the doorway into next year, some of us, being writers may take that more literally than others.

'But Lily the year isn't over yet!' I hear you cry 'Stop pressing fast forward.'

I know it may seem like that. Life gets busy this time of year. This is a blog post not an instruction manual - you do you - it's not going anywhere if you want to come back to it later.

There was more than one prompt for this post.

Goodreads have told me I have completed my reading challenge for the year. Being me I have a stretch goal which kind of developed along the way but its very wait and see if I manage that - all I can say right now is I'm still reading and I have a list.

I have a number of book reviews to write as a result of me not writing them as I went along which I know I should do. The next book was more tempting than writing words about the last one. My reading enthusiasm and my reviewing writing enthusiasm do not seem to match, shock horror. But I will get there in the end. After all, it's never too late to write a book review.

Hint hint

Go on, I dare you, tis almost the season of goodwill to all, and a book review is a lovely free present you can give an author in a matter of minutes.

They are like reviving hot chocolate with marshmallows and cream in the middle of a shopping trip, they warm us up and keep us going.


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