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Lily's Credits

These are the places I have been published in addition to my books. 


My 'Meet the Author' article and my poem 'In Pursuit' are published in  the Summer issue of Makarelle. 

cover of the summer issue of Makarelle
image of the about me feature in the summer edition of Makarelle
Image of my poem In Pursuit from the summer edition of Makarelle

My Poem 'Life' is published in the Spring 2022 issue of Makarelle 'Landmarks'.

cover of the Landmarks edition of Maakrelle
image of my poem life from the Landmarks edition of Makarellle

My Story 'Love Andy' is published in issue 1/2022 of Makarelle 'Love is Love'.

image of the cover of the Love is Love edition of Makarelle
image of my short story love Andy from the Love is Love edition of Makarelle

My piece 'Lockdown Wool', Poem 'Unique' and Story 'Bridge Echoes' are published in 'Makarelle One'. 

copy of the cvoer of Makarelle One

My Story 'Bridge Echoes' is published in the Autumn 2021 Issue of Makarelle 'Twisted Tales'

Image of the cover of Makarelle Twisted Tales
Image of my short story Bridge Echoes from Makarelle's Twisted Tales

My Poem 'Unique' is published in the Summer 2021 edition of Makarelle - 'Tattoo'

Image of the cover of Makarelle Tatoo
Image of my poem Unique from Makarelle Tattoo

My piece 'Lockdown Wool' is published in the Spring 2021 edition of Makarelle - 'Coming Unravelled'

Image of the cover of Makarelle Coming Unravelled
Image of my crestive non fiction piece Lockdown Wool from Coming Unravelled
The Hoot

Other People's Blogs

The following blog posts have been published on The Hoot, the online Student Magazine for the Open University.

Mental Health and Me - blog post

adapted from post with the same title


Bewitched - short Halloween story 

What being a Student teaches you about writing

Goodbye level one - poem

You are not alone

14 things I love about the OU

Midway fatigue

Learning through teaching

My Poem Hate vs Love

is published on

Recipe for Life - poem - guest post on

Tell your story - Guest post on Ruth Loten's blog -

Image of the cover of Dipping Your Toes

My poem 'Instructions to Remember' is published in

'Fifty Two An Anthology'

Image of the cover of Dear Sister

My short story 'Passing it on' is published in

'Dipping your Toes'

Image of the cover of 2021 Still Together

'Complexities of Human Existence' - Poem is published in 'Dear Sister'

3 of my untitled poems and 'A Letter from Santa' - Fiction

are published in

'2021 Still Together' 

Image of the cover of Footsteps and Echoes

'Breaking the Jigsaw' - Non Fiction


'Missing my Mam' - Poem

'The Last Goodbye' - Non Fiction

are published in 'Footsteps and Echoes'

Image of the cover of The Gift

'Freedom' - Poem

'Promises' - Poem

'The Perfect Present' - Poem

'The Stranger on the Bridge' - Short Story

are published in 'The Gift.'

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