Lily's Writing Life
Everybody needs some Lily in their life!
Lily Lawson 'The non-poetry lover's poet' hails from North Yorkshire and lives in the Northeast.
Lily writes poetry, kids' books, short stories, and non-fiction. She has self-published poetry collections, children’s picture books and a short story collection. In addition to her books she has been published in anthologies and online.
Check Lily's Credits for more details
In her working life Lily undertook various customer facing roles in the retail and clerical sector before becoming her parents’ carer. In a voluntary capacity she served on various committees, some as secretary. She also ran a kids club and played a major role in other children’s activities.
Calling herself the eternal student she completed a wide range of courses. She now studies for a degree with the Open University.
She dabbles in singing, acting, and puppetry. Lily loves to dance and will try everything from sequence and ballroom to line dancing and hip hop. She was outnumbered in mock battle, failed twice at ice skating, and her pottery isn’t much better. She’s travelled a fair amount of the UK, taking in a number of theatres, historical sites, pleasure parks and football grounds. Lily loves music and concerts. She can’t play an instrument but she’s never far from being behind a camera. She has attempted drawing and painting and hasn’t ruled out more in the future.
She loves reading, watching American TV, eating chocolate, listening to music, and hanging out on social media (not all at the same time!)
If you ever lose her, you will find her hanging out with her friends in the #writingcommunity on Twitter, give her a shout, a follow or jump in the conversation, Lily loves making new friends.